Note: I've altered the format slightly to make it easier to read.

In-Game name: Sketch

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28787076

Age: 18

? Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?

Yes, I do have a microphone, and I use it all the time to talk to you lovely people.

? Days of the week you are available to play:

As long as my schedule permits, I'll be able to play at various times throughout the week. I'll be starting University in the fall, so that may cause my activity to unbalance itself depending on how much work I have sitting in front of me at any given time (can't wait for the piles and piles of notes). Though, I will be able to play for large amounts of time during the summer, that being now, June 12th, to the beginning of September.

? Current Hours In-Game on our server:

I currently have 32 hours on the server.

? Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:

(UTC-05:00) - Ontario, Canada.

? Rules you view as most important:

Personally, the rules I hold dear to me are quite simple:

First of all, I don't believe in mindless killing (RDM), but I do, however, believe in targeted killing. If two people have some sort of history that provokes one to constantly kill the other, I will swiftly jail the offender, but that's all I can do. I'm not going to suggest that they stop killing the other person out of thin air, as we all know that people with jaded histories don't exactly come to peace with the snap of two fingers. I will do what I can as a cop, but whatever problems they have with each other are between them, not the three of us.

Second, I will not tolerate the purposeful killing of new players. They are here to learn and grow with the server, and having someone turn them away the instant that they begin their journey doesn't give the community a good look. If I come across a player constantly doing said deed, I will VIP jail them, and have them reported to the admins immediately, so that they can speak amongst themselves and create a fitting punishment for the offence committed.

Last, but certainly not least, I will treat everyone equally when on the job. I refuse to give special treatment to any players simply because I believe in equality, and don't pick favorites. If you do the crime, you'll be doing the time, no questions asked.

? Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?

To be completely honest with all of you, I would love to become a cop to relive my old role-play days, stuck in the forgotten land of Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. I began participating in role-play in March of 2010 on Syle22's Roleplay Server. I became a cop within three weeks of playing, and held that position for well over 6 months, before being promoted to admin during the summer. I was later promoted to super admin, and I kept that spot for close to 2 years, before all of the admins were wiped due to inactivity. I have a tremendous amount of experience with role-play and player conflict resolution specifically, so I feel that I am very qualified for the position. I would be honored to provide for this server in the same way I did others, and hope that you take my application into consideration.

Re: Sketch's Cop Application

Well this is the best application I have ever read
+rep to this man.

Re: Sketch's Cop Application

Normally I'd insta-accept this application but it looks like we're starting to discuss the acceptance of cops in admin meetings.

all my +rep

Re: Sketch's Cop Application

+REP REP REP REP REP REP Sketch I'm giving you this bud, nice application!!!! -ToxicHD

Re: Sketch's Cop Application

I love this guy. Hes always so cheerful and helps people out if he can. Really a good person at heart.


Re: Sketch's Cop Application

+rep goodluck man! ;D

Re: Sketch's Cop Application

Under review, the application will be discussed in the next meeting, June 14th.