[size=small][font=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][url]STEAM_1:0:418982427[/url][/font][/size]
Age: 16
Yes I do have a microphone and I love to use it hehe
I am able to play everyday on the weekend and weeks I can play 4-10
Current Hours I am sitting at a total of 32 (at the time applying might increase when I get a reply)
I live in Ohio so I am apart of the Eastern Time Zone
Some of the Rules I think are really important are of course Cop Favoritism is huge and Cop Abuse
I want to become a cop because I generally enjoy the roleplay aspect of the server and I feel as if I could bring a fun and exciting aspect to the Police force! You should pick me over other applicants because I am generally a Happy player who brings a fun and hilarious environment to the things I do I am a mature player whofollows&knows all of the rules and points out the bad boys when needed. I try my hardest to show new players around the block and maybe even give them some free stuff.I also support the server by paying 2.50$ a month and supported by sending 10$ thanks!
One last thing I just want to say thank you for reading this and taking the time out of your day to read it I sincerely appreciate it thanks!