In-game name: smolHouse
Age: 15
Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:151829923
Do you have a mic and are willing to use it?: Yes I have a mic and will use it when needed
Days of week you are able to play?: I will be able to play every single day unless an event occurs in which I am unable/unpermitted to use my computer.
What is your time zone?: Easteren Standard Time.
Hours in game: 30 hours.
ExperienceI honestly do not have experience being cop on a role play server. The most of me being a cop in role play are in jailbreak servers playing as warden.
Rules you find most important:I believe that the most important rules relate to abuse of power (Mass RDM, unfair jailing, /kickdoor). These two rules to coexist with each other and I firmly believe that abuse of power is a huge issue. If a cop abuses powers it can lead to many players leaving the server which eventually could make a desolate server. If a cop starts RDM'ing it isn't fair for players because cops have an easy source of weaponry. Generally, abuse should be steered away from and I will follow every rule according to the Moonshade Cop Guide.
Why should we choose you over other cop applicants?The vast number of applicants may make my application seem lack-luster,
however, I really want to make this server better. I enjoy playing this server and I would like to have more experience while supporting the server by creating a good environment for the server. I will always be friendly and try to help introduce new players when they join. I will strictly follow the rules to accordance and hope to make a good server. I learned from my mistakes and think I am ready to help this server a lot!