In-game name: Vape Bleach

Server you were banned on: CSGO Roleplay

Who banned you: I dont remember

Reason for ban: racism

Steam ID:

Reason you think you should be unbanned: I think I should be un muted/gagged because i wasnt trying to be racist, We were talking about the country niger and i spelled it with 2 g's. I wasnt trying to be racist in any way. I just spelled the country wrong.

VapeBleach wrote

We were talking about the country niger and I spelled it wrong and i get muted and gagged permanently.

how many times do you have to be perma silenced tell you to learn your lesson?

I don't think you were having an intelligent conversation about that country instead memed about it cause it was the closest you could get to saying the hard r without actually saying it. There is really no reason you should be unsilensed

SPOOKY wrote

how many times do you have to be perma silenced tell you to learn your lesson?

okay yeah thats bullshit. nobody just talks about a country called "Niger" on CSGO without meaning malicious intent. by everybody i mean people that have been fucking muted previously.

dont unmute this fucking asshole.

Skittle wrote

okay yeah thats bullshit. nobody just talks about a country called "Niger" on CSGO without meaning malicious intent. by everybody i mean people that have been fucking muted previously.

dont unmute this fucking asshole.

I agree with skittle 100% you and your little group of exploiters and just all around dick heads go around and try and bait admins and it's about time you got what was coming to you.....

SPOOKY wrote

I agree with skittle 100% you and your little group of exploiters and just all around dick heads go around and try and bait admins and it's about time you got what was coming to you.....

I'll reply with some actual good grammar this time.

His steam profile consists of racist and controversial things on it, he has his name set to "Adolf Hitler" his country as "Niger" and has his description as "Single father of 4 homosexual blacks named kunta, kinte, Jordy, and Timby.

Im laid back and I have a pretty small wiener but I don't plan on using it.

If you're interested find me on"

I think this and his other actions on the server, and people he plays with on the server, add up to be proof that he has malicious intent. I honestly think he should just be banned in general.

Skittle wrote

I'll reply with some actual good grammar this time.

His steam profile consists of racist and controversial things on it, he has his name set to "Adolf Hitler" his country as "Niger" and has his description as "Single father of 4 homosexual blacks named kunta, kinte, Jordy, and Timby.

Im laid back and I have a pretty small wiener but I don't plan on using it.

If you're interested find me on"

I think this and his other actions on the server, and people he plays with on the server, add up to be proof that he has malicious intent. I honestly think he should just be banned in general.

Completely agree with Skittle, you're obvuisly a troll wanting attention and when you got what you deserve you make a bullshit glittered generality of well we talked about a country that is a letter away from a racist term that you were implying but "couldnt" get in trouble for because you used a shitty loophole. Just fuck off and take what you deserve.

it has been sometime and there is nothing we can do about your steam profile
my vote is we give ya a temp un gag only and see how that goes then we will determine on the rest after id say a 2 week time

Church wrote

it has been sometime and there is nothing we can do about your steam profile
my vote is we give ya a temp un gag only and see how that goes then we will determine on the rest after id say a 2 week time

hes been gagged and muted so many times, he always plays dumb.

Skittle wrote

hes been gagged and muted so many times, he always plays dumb.

I agree with skittle, this dude has gotten so many chances and doesn't give a fuck. Just leave him with the punishment for a little longer so he can realize how nice a privilege it is to talk.