In-game name:supreme

Server you were banned on:

Who banned you:church

Reason for ban:to spice upp the server I stared to write churches location from his steam profile a couple of time
that was wen he banned me from writing (gagged)so I kept on going with the joke and started saying it in to the mic and then he fully gagged that time I didn't know what gagged is. so I thought I was perm muted I wanted to cheak that so I left and re connected. and that was wen I got perm banned.

steamed:STEAM_0: 1:196351647

Reason you think you should be unbanned:I made a really dumb mistake I should have done some Research before I started getting all sassy,and my resoning was only to spice upp the server (church btw I'm sorry)

Evidence to support claim (if any): yes on of my friends were one and saw everything go down.he goes by the name of ? ?sentual squash? ? cs
on steam

after he gagged you, you were basically poking a bear. bad idea.

Thats really dumb to expect forgiveness for doing something really stupid, that just like mingeing on DarkRP. You did it just to annoy someone and you got that as punishment. I wouldn't expect you getting ungagged.

8 days later

have the admins forgotten about my ban appeal XD

I feel they are just ignoring it, for now?

4 days later

I'm still waiting :spazdunno:

[font=arial black]The request was approved with certin conditions,
you will be ungagged at first and if after a 2 week period you haven't given us a reason to regag you you will be unmuted as well

2 months later

church I'm still muted in game
and I think its been more then 2 weeks id like to be unmuted I find it really annoying to type
it just kills the vibe for me (please)