In-game name:

Server you were banned on: CSGO Moonshade rp

Who banned you: Myback

Reason for ban:Unkown

Steam ID: 76561198016064099

Reason you think you should be unbanned: There should have been no reason to ban me in the first place. I believe my ban had to do with the recent complications with GoldenAce, a friend of mine. Things that might be the reason for my ban could be, me and another friend were rdming cops trying to catch us because we had nothing better to do and GoldenAce asked if he could join us, we said yes and started doing it with him and eventually EvTheKid. The misconception i believe to have occurred would be in the fact that the admins on at the time suspected GoldenAce of hacking which I was unaware of. (I also don't think he is actually hacking i do the things he talked about in his ban appeal sometimes too and get accused of walling) Since the admins suspected GoldenAce of hacking they probably thought me being his friend would know and use it to my advantage. I didn't know he was hacking even if he was and there is no benefit in rdming cops, just fun, in fact i spent money on armor and money to do that with them so i had loss after doing it, if this is the reason i got banned it makes no sense. I was also told by the admin who banned me that i had lied to him, me being uninformed on what i did couldn't tell him what he was asking for and rather was spechless asking what i did or what i was lieing about, he did not give me an answer and banned me with no description just "disconnected... Banned"

Yes we did farm up to 100k crime and i did jail getting a lot of money, i was told the exp caps out so that doesn't matter if it doesn't you can derank my cop, however, this was not for personal benefit, the people involved spent twice as much on the weapons to do it then we got from the jail. I split it fairly among the people who spent the money and didn't end up getting any of the money i spent back. While we were suspicious whether or not it was against the rules we realized it was not for our own benefit and were willing to lose in-game money to do it for fun as we were all bored. I just started back on the server and have seen several accounts of abuse such as boosting and farming crime for cuff (it was not through bulletproof glass however) none of those people have gotten punished even though there was 3 times as many people on the server doing nothing about it.

I think the definition for an exploit should be any unintended content that you can use to your personal benefit, not that you do something that is unintended content. I did not benefit, i think i shouldn't be banned. Additionally, once it's not an exploit like i explained, it's just cop abuse as i have cop and was favoring my friends helping them get this crime as cop, so take away my cop if you want to do something. Also how is this a problem if the so called "exploit" can't be fixed and you unban me meaning you do nothing to those who abuse it, they will lose money, they have to buy the guns. If a cop supplies them then it's abuse take away their cop but i didn't hand out a single gun to any of the people i was doing it with.

Evidence to support claim (if any): I don't have evidence that GoldenAce was hacking if he was but neither do the people that banned me or him. In regards to church's statement that you guys have proof why would you add that you don't have to show it unless you don't actually have it and where does it say you don't have to show it, if i get banned without a reason or proof isn't that against the rules. I got permanently banned as well so whats the point of adding that my cop will be taken away if i'm perma banned. If you want to check logs from that day if the plugins you use leave traces there you can see we spent more money than we made.

i told your brother to tell you to appeal in 2 weeks soo...


spooky there is no time limit on an appeal (that im aware of)

Flamelix you conspired with special horse to get him 100k+ crime while supplying him weapons and had 2 other guarding the casino while he shot at you through the glass and when all was said and done you jailed him then unjailed him and split the money you made 4 ways between the parties involved. this is the reason why you have been punished. did you really think that we would not find out that you exploited that much i'm gonna go out on a limb and say you cop is gone as well.

before you ask yes we have the proof, yes it shows everything, and no we dont have to show it to you

If I’m aware of the situation proto didn’t have quite nearly 100k bounty but rather around 10k bounty which he didn’t gain by exploiting but rather by knifing Nazz in god mode. That wasn’t even the time he got banned. He was banned with about 4K bounty. And if we were to get bounty kill I’d be about a $200 reward but thousands of dollars on armor and guns wasted.

Church wrote

spooky there is no time limit on an appeal (that im aware of)

Flamelix you conspired with special horse to get him 100k+ crime while supplying him weapons and had 2 other guarding the casino while he shot at you through the glass and when all was said and done you jailed him then unjailed him and split the money you made 4 ways between the parties involved. this is the reason why you have been punished. did you really think that we would not find out that you exploited that much i'm gonna go out on a limb and say you cop is gone as well.

before you ask yes we have the proof, yes it shows everything, and no we dont have to show it to you

i already discussed this with myback and this is what we came up with im just waiting on coal to deny this because i do not have the permission

GoldenAce wrote

If I’m aware of the situation proto didn’t have quite nearly 100k bounty but rather around 10k bounty which he didn’t gain by exploiting but rather by knifing Nazz in god mode. That wasn’t even the time he got banned. He was banned with about 4K bounty. And if we were to get bounty kill I’d be about a $200 reward but thousands of dollars on armor and guns wasted.

100k crime + jail = a lot of money

He didn’t have 100k crime. He spent a whole lot more on guns. I feel as if past actions should still be held against him but this is a a lot different.

Golden ace stop, the evidence we have dosent include you. Period. This has nothing to do with your ban.