In-Game name:"Cappytan"
Steam ID:
Age: 17

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes & I use it all the time.

Days of the week you are available to play: All days unless there are exceptions like exams or holidays.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 52h

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: UTC +1 / CET Central European Time (Belgium)

Rules you view as most important: No mass-RDMing

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? Picking me over someone else should never be a thing, I think everyone with basic standards and respect should earn a spot (if they are worth it of course). Howsoever I'm an active guy within gaming communities because I don't really have much other things to do, I have started rather recently but yet get along with most people which I think is a positive thing and adding to the fact that most people get along with me as well. I'm just a teenager trying to have fun but in the meanwhile helping others doing such. I just love helping new players or just kind players in general. I believe in having fun but yet being able to be serious which is what makes a cop lovely within the community. I also don't mind being online with fewer people so being active on a server when there's not many players online (my timezone) would allow me to still show professionalism etc to new players which might not show right now because not every cop is active that time because of less players, being online when not a lot of people are online also attracts new people. If everyone would leave because of no cops not a lot of people would join because there are no players, players attract others because they want to see who is on which is a good thing for the server and the community because it is way more fun with more players. A cop would just allow me to interact more with other players because of the fewer cops than players, just want to have fun basically.

Why No Mass RDMing over Respect all players? Exploiting? Do not spam chat or yell/scream.

I honestly don't understand what the whole "RDMing is bad" thing, even though 9 times out of 10, you HAVE mass RDMed at some point.

I indeed have Rdm'd at a given point, with people that wanted to do this with and against me.
I picked it for 2 reasons which I will explain shortly but first I wanna tell you in advance that I'm in school right now so any typos are on my buggy ass phone.

1) From what I have seen most new players that join kill someone on sight or try to (in tutorial). This might trigger people which leads to rdm (and/or mass rdm). The new player will either leave because they die to much, leave because they don't know how to get guns or leave because they got arrested because of this. New players are crucial for the server as it will attrackt more people and keep more people. Grinding can be boring and meeting new people makes it fun and more people allow to do more activities or make the grinding easier. Keeping players with such a standard rule can afterwards lead to exploiting, disrespect etc but most likely after there are players. That is why I picked it personally for myself as I am online in times where theres either nobody, 1 guy or a couple of AFK's.

2) As a cop exploits will be redirected to admins. It is something important but I don't think it is the most important as a cop due to the non direct impact on it. Disrespect is also not the number 1 problem as communication can be blocked if needed (of course the rule should be a thing still and it is important to some but not my number 1 choice).

I do get your point but wanted to explain why I picked it. The 9/10 is also not that accurate because I'm friendly to whoever is friendly too, don't know if you saw me online but I don't go mental.
(Text would've been longer but my time right now limits it.)

Cappytan wrote

I don't think it is the most important as a cop

I mean, it says most important rule, not most important rule as a cop.

It says most important rule for me. As I'm just trying to become a cop getting players to the server is the most important rule for me. I'm not gonna discuss this anymore as the format gave me the question which I answered and you asked more info about my decision which I also answered. ^^

See [member=1]myback[/member] or [member=764]CoalWorker[/member] in-game for training!