In-game name:Br1ck

Server you were banned on:Roleplaying

Who banned you:Earth

Reason for ban: Cheating/exploting

Steam ID:76561198232539748

Reason you think you should be unbanned: So all my 2mill wont go to waste and so i can change my actions in this community and do good in the community for a change! And help new people and get a change in the community roleplaying server! And so I can change our community for the best! No hard feelings to anyone that I have been mean to. I also think why is should be unbanned is to help people that are new or that are struggling in money. I can give loans to people for a little charge. And here my reasons are please give a comment down below! And if you need you can take away all my money and restart me if you feel i don't deserve that money. And i will do almost anything to get back in besides money and giving personal stuff out.

Unbanning him would ruin the community in my opinion.

You've said all this before, unbanning him is like giving SuperJay another chance just dont fucking do it.

Nobody really approves of your request to be unbanned.