My point had nothing to do with what Kibi said or didn't say. I was addressing the fact that he was being called scummy because he said he wasn't going to get new players to join a server that he is not currently enjoying himself.
KibiSiNxKoS wrote
Not going to try to fill a server on a map I don't enjoy. I will when the map changes.
Just because someone isn't doing what you want them to do doesn't make them a scummy person. I don't call myback scummy because he doesn't reset the economy. Instead, I listen to what he says. I don't always agree with what he says, as we argue frequently, but I still listen. I don't call him a scummy person, nor do I insult him about his opinions (I know I jokingly do this in teamspeak, but I am always sure to tell him that it is a joke. I ALWAYS tell him it is a joke within a reasonable amount of time. This obviously wasn't a joke as if it was, he would have said so by now).
Here is another way to look at it. I myself don't attempt to bring players to the rp server because I don't personally enjoy it. Nobody as ever said I am a scummy person because I don't bring new players. What is the difference here? If someone came up to you at the store and asked you to recruit new people to their club or team, but you don't enjoy their club or team, would you do it? Of course you wouldn't.
Skittle, myback doesn't need you to stand up for him and justify anything. He is a big boy and will take care of himself.