Waited two weeks btw
In-Game name:M3RCW!THtheM0UTH
Steam ID:76561198093960444
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yup
Days of the week you are available to play:Everyday unless i have to do some school stuff... so when i finish that i could play
Current Hours In-Game on our server:31
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:UTC+01:00 Serbia
Rules you view as most important: COP RULES: No touching others cuffs unless the cop that cuffed them tells me to,my cuff is my responsibility.When someone is in hiding in their house that has a bounty i use the kick door option(i cant use it every 5 seconds lol),i can only cuff and arrest people with 800+ crime,I can only VIP jail when the person MassRDMs and if they break rules,kill my cuff or if they exploit,No Revenge Kill,... GENERAL RULES:Be polite, dont annoy people,....
why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?:I want to become a cop to make the server a better place and to help people have fun on the server.I would be a good cop and a good person to others.I would do my best as cop and i am confident that i could be a really good cop if i try(which i will if i get the job). I would stop all the bad things that i did if people told me that i do those things(RDM and such).I wouldnt annoy people,or annoy people with voice chat or do voice chat spam if someone said something bad about me or if they were annoying,if they did too much of it i would block them :/ I would do my best to be even better than all the other applicants and cops. And i wouldnt be toxic.