Your In-Game name:Hardcorehero
Offenders In-Game name:Sommer
Offenders Steam ID:N/A
What server did this happen on?Moonshade LiteRP CS GO
What rules did the offender break?Favoritism
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:
Other Comments:Before posting a message, read this. It will allow you to understand exactly what it is that I'm reporting. I'm not really reporting sommer for favoritism of a single player, but, the favoritism that he chooses me to full jail while he cuff/uncuffs everybody else. I'm not sure what he has against me, probably just weak minded to the way other players act toward me. Bread and I were trying to take over a bank, fighting each other over the bank so that we could camp drug dealers. It's really profitable. I decided to record right after I killed Matt and gained 10,000 dollars from his drug dealings and only gained 440 crime in the process. I was going to make a video to show people how I play, but, instead, Bread decided to ruin my fun. This wasn't too big of a deal, but, sommer cuff and uncuffed bread in the process. When I ran from sommer, he full jailed me and said he did it because I ran from him. Later on, I went afk and didn't even know that I had crime. I was writing a topic on the forum. This time, when sommer cuffed me and I wasn't running, he still full jailed me. He also didn't really do anything about bread when bread was standing next to him at times with 1300 + crimes, but, full jailed me when I had a little over 800 crime. Before that, when I had over 1300 + crime, I was full jailed. The reason I recorded this is because I notice a trend. Sommer always cuff uncuffs most people, but, he always full jails me.
Because I believe sommer is a player that has been long and is nowhere near as bad as people like syn, I don't expect sommer to really be thrown the book at, but, I would merely like to use this single record as an example for future reference if this treatment toward me continues.