In-Game name:Hardcorehero
Steam ID:76561198031577984

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?Yes

Days of the week you are available to play:Every Day

Current Hours In-Game on our server:45

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:UTC - 6 United States of America, Texas

Rules you view as most important:All of them, but, if I had to pick a favorite, I'd say favoritism. Forum rules are also extremely important, as the forum and discord completely control the events inside the server even more than the game itself. They are the most important because they decide how we have to absolutely conduct ourselves while we play the game.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I know people are coming to play the game because they want to enjoy the experience they are having, and I'm not trying to ruin the experience they are having, but, I am trying to delude the amount of favoritism I see. I don't want to make friends by abusing my position of authority and I don't want someone to be upset either that they wasted their time playing a game that they didn't even enjoy because somebody made the game less fun for them.

(edit) I'v been mod/admin on three seperate minecraft servers, two garrys mod servers, and two space station 13 servers. I'v never tolerated favoritism/double standards from anybody on any server I'v ever been staff on. On servers where the majority of the council of people who decide the final say in matters are holding double standards, I generally leave the server because at that point, it will no longer be fun to play and will only get less fun for everybody from there.

He is an okay guy but doesn't like me in general i guess im neutral on this cop app [member=701]Church[/member] happy?

? Sommer Ray ? wrote

I do not want him to be a cop, i would say minus rep but it doesnt let me. monkaS

please provide a reason, just because he reported you does not mean he should not be a cop vendettas are not valid reasons to deny a cop app

This player is not immature and i believe would handle cop rather well

4 days later

Not a bad application i don't see a reason u shouldn't be cop but it it's down to how the people feel about you.

Forum rules are also extremely important, as the forum and discord completely control the events inside the server even more than the game itself

Just gonna say this is complete bullshit because the server influences and controls what's said on the forums and nobody uses the Discord tbh the best u will get is the TS for communication between players.

10 days later

Re-apply in 2 weeks from now, not within.