In-Game name: Sage*
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:4967347
Age: 14

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes i have a microphone and i am willing to use it

Days of the week you are available to play: Everyday

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 40

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: +0600

Rules you view as most important: no rdming

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I am willing to stop people from massive rdming.I want to give cop a try and i will not rdm as a cop.

Ill paste what i told u in chat

your inexperienced, in debt, complain, mic complain/spam, rdm, resist arrest, act very immature, and very little effort on the application

Literally there isnt a day where i go on and your not complaing about debt or arguing/making fun of another player.
Straighten out your attiude and salt intake and output before

HE'S OKAY. Just need someone smart to train him, if he gets accepted.

Never mind I read the application, I'll be back after I get drunk.

-+Rep, Gets offended to much and takes action very high for the littlest things. And as Sheckles said try harder on your Application this is a serious thing. You might have a chance, good luck bro 🙂

-rep You RDM and whine like crazy. Also, I think minimum age for cop is 16.

Dr. Gonzo wrote

-rep You RDM and whine like crazy. Also, I think minimum age for cop is 16.

But I'm 15.

Let me quote sage when I told him he needs to put more effort
"I don't care how much effort I out, I don't care if I get cop"

Dr. Gonzo wrote

-rep You RDM and whine like crazy. Also, I think minimum age for cop is 16.

Im 7 and married to queso. Plus how can you be 16 when there is only 7 million people on the earth?

called biscuitt a black nyigger. Not happy with that
Often refers cops to the rules but doesn't actually know the rules.
Everything sheckles said.

-rep from me always on anything