In-Game name: f0v
Steam ID: 76561198411000940
Age: 15
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?
I do not have a microphone but im always typing in chat to communicate easily.
Days of the week you are available to play:
Mostly any days but now school has started back up i will only be on when im not in school ovbiously, on the weekends i will be on a lot.
Current Hours In-Game on our server:
31 hours
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: United States, New York.
Rules you view as most important:
Mass RDMING, Killing cuffs, Killing new players.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I want to become cop because it sounds like a fun experience making sure the streets of moonshade are safe. I would like to see how the money is making cop compared to a t. Also having the ability to jail people doing bad like rdming constantly, killing cuffs and new players. As for the people that do not rdm constantly i will have a choice of jailing or cuff uncuffing sounds awesome, also working my way up in the ranks playing with different guns everytime. I think you should pick me for cop over other applicants because i have alot of experience watching my friends play cop and getting taught how it works by my friends before hand. For only having 31 hours i am very knowledged about the server. I have played on all the jobs and experienced everything, met friends, bought keys, sold keys, etc.. The next job for me is cop!! Hopefully you guys agree too! I wont let you down 🙂