I strongly believe that cops should be able to eject players from cars if it is necessary. More often than not, people will exit their cars and forget to lock/destroy it. While there is not problem with this action itself, people will crime often abuse this. There is a reason that criminals can't spawn cars with crime, but nothing stops them from jumping into someone else's car and sitting there afk until their crime is reduced. Moreover, because cars do not have any identification method we cannot ask the person who owns the car to destroy it. Another situation that this feature would be useful in is with the player that was banned for having a car in the police department. Fluttershy recently made a ban appeal where he stated: "I opened the door with my door hack and I was locking the car inside the garage when a cop spawned (he was an admin and his rank was general) and he saw me in my airboat... and I got kicked with the message "KYS" and it was a perma ban." This ability would, of course, have major limitations that the developers/admins should settle on, but I think that in particular situations it would be useful. To anyone thinking that it is an "over-powered" ability, the same could be thought of for /kickdoor. Cops can kick anyone's door down whenever they want to, but there are rules that can take away their cop privileges if they are not followed. I haven't exactly worked out the details for this ability, but you could make it similar to kickdoor as in the player must have a bounty and the cop has to pay in order to eject the player from the car.
Eject Players From Cars
It should be like /kickdoor buy the car or if you press e on the car it pops a menu giving you the owner and the option to the t them