Currently, the only incentive to break into the PD is to let another player out of jail.
That's it.
PD Raids are rare enough and a strong number of cops won't full jail players. I am suggesting a new reason for players to want to break into the pd and use the doorhacks and lockpicks that they spent so much on.
I propose that for the new map, the pd should have some sort of bank or cash deposit in it that players can raid. There would be some requirements for it though.
- There must be at least 2-3 cops on for it to be raidable
- The cash can't be looted for <some time between 20m to 1hr> after it is robbed
- The player(s) must spend 5 minutes defending the cash in order to get it. If they die. they must restart.
This idea would encourage more people to break into the pd. I haven't seen the new map but hopefully there can be room for this. It would encourage more player cooperation and add another fun event to the server.
Some other optional suggestions include having the value of the cash go up the longer it isn't robbed, and maybe it can register multiple people robbing it and split it up equally or give everyone the full loot
That's all, I hope this suggestion becomes a part of the server!
(also while you're redoing pd to fit this in, please add a better way to cuffsaw people in cells, like windows or spaces inbetween bars of the door)