In-Game name: Dihydrogen Monoxide
Steam ID: 76561198178431677
Age: 15

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?
Yes, I have a microphone and I am willing to use it when deemed necessary.

Days of the week you are available to play:
I am available to play on weekdays (Monday to Friday) and sometimes on weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

Current Hours In-Game on our server:
32 Hours

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:
UTC-05:00 and New York

Rules you view as most important:
No Mass RDMing

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I would like to be a cop in order to enforce the rule I find the most important: No Mass RDMing. Much too frequently, new and old players alike will begin killing other players for no particular reason. This eventually escalates to full on killing spree, where players begin to treat the server more like a deathmatch server rather than a roleplay server. When the players get a bounty and are finally put in jail to the community's delight, a single player with a simple cuffsaw and doorhack lets them out to begin the killing spree all over again. This is a dilemma for new players especially, because the server is already intimidating enough for them. It is hard enough for new players to find hidden places to plant, without having to concern themselves with living long enough to deposit their money in the bank. I strongly believe that I should be a cop because I will reinforce the rule about no mass rdming by jailing players before too much damage is done. I will also be less strict about drug dealing and counterfeiting, as they are not necessarily making anyone else's experience on the server worse. I have had countless experiences where people will either kill me or cops will full jail because I harvested a few cacti, resulting in a lot of wasted time spent in jail. I will also make sure that people do not break in to the police department in order to free mass rdmers, as they are in jail for a reason and should not be let out simply because they are friends with other players.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my application, and I hope you feel the same way as I do.

When i first started to play the server, i met this guy and he was really nice guy, he really is, he helped me throughout the basic of the rp, and i think he would be a great candidate! 🙂

I think he will be a great cop because he is always nice and kind, helpful to new players and all around nice player to everyone

Out of the cops currently applying, Dihydrogen would make the best cop. He is friendly and chill on the server as well.

+rep Great guy and would be perfect for cop.

See [member=1]myback[/member] or [member=764]CoalWorker[/member] in-game for training!