Ok here's the story, so the server crashes. Everyone knows that when server restarts or returns from a crash all the doors in the map are unlocked (lock or no lock). So as a joke Nick, and I went into Earth's steam room in town hall homes and sat there as a joke saying we are gonna sit there forever. Then knowingly I yelled out a couple of times that I was in Earth's house. So all is well when he comes to kill me after hearing me, but then I kill him. So then he noclips into the house with an ak and kills me then bans Nick and I for exploiting/glitching but the question is if this is an exploit/glitch why hasn't it been fixed because everyone is well aware of it including some admins with names that I will not release.

This is my first time "exploiting"/"glitching" and I did not get any warnings or pop ups. I do not have any recording proof but I have many eye witnesses of me opening a bunch of doors when the map reset and I have Nick and Zappaly who saw me go into the room. This does not seem severe enough for a 48 hour ban with no warning.

So in conclusion Earth may have misunderstood thinking i entered his house when he locked the door because he didnt check in the steam room. Also note that he didnt take action before attempting to kill me fairly once, but after he kills me by nocliping through the wall.

+rep from what hes telling me is that there is no exploiting going down

Nahz was afk in there and was killed. The room you were in was locked, I had to unlock it to walk in. You guys used the car glitch to get into my house.

When I noclipped to my house and checked my doors/locks, and noticed the car in the cubby area, well, it didn't take a genius to figure out especially when I looked in console and see q-q is explaining to them how to execute it.

Earth the server crashed everyone was kicked I didn't kill Nahz check logs, stop lying you have no proof of any of this, Nick and I came when the server reset and the doors were unlocked so we were in the steam room before you got on, ask Zapp he witnessed it all. And i also dont even have a car so i couldnt have q-q was explaining how it was done because he didnt know how we got in.

I just want some actual proof from either side here. Something that would help your case [member=1263]cheetor[/member] is proving that doors are unlocked after a restart for certain. I don't know about [member=625]Earth[/member] needing proof since according to what I've been told, admins do not need proof to punish players.

Not accusing anyone, just would like to know if this is all a mis-understanding or if it's as [member=625]Earth[/member] says it is.

Earth you already spoke to me so its no hard feelings and i guess i can not be upset at you but i just want you to know i am vouching that no car glitch was used.. I was on the server when it crashed and when it went back up all of the doors were open. I followed everyone into the chinatown cafe first and then after i saw a some people go into the town hall. Thats when me and cheater where in a steam room and thats when i assume you locked the doors because i could not exit. There was only like five of us on the server and we were just messing around walking around into different places. I did not know that i did anything wrong. Like i said i messaged earth and he explained to me that i received a two day ban for being inside of his home but i do wish it could be undone because it was an honest mistake i literally just walked into town halls after cheator. If not its like earth said no hard feelings i just wish i was given some type of heads up because i do go out of my way to make sure i follow all of the rules.

OK, ive heard Cheetor talk to me about it, hes told me this story with full confidence SO WELL that I can't see him lying about this. Cheetor is telling me in the thing that its Br1ck's fault in this. Cheetor is a good guy, i've only seen good things from in TS. I'm going to have to say that Earth is in the wrong here, sorry man. Earth PLEASE show us valid proof and this will be done IMMEDIATLY.

If it was after a server reset/crash, I don't necessarily see how it would be considered an exploit.

But if earth is right and you did use an airboat to get in, then you deserved the ban.

Really what it boils down to is evidence. If you had some sort of screenshot to back what either of you were saying up, I would give input.

Neutral Opinion

I am positive that this is all a misunderstanding. Cheetor did not use any airboat or any glitch/hack as i saw him walk through the door after opening it as i walked right behind him. We had all first went into the chinatown cafe and then into the town hall, all the doors just opened up i know for a fact because i do not have keys to the chinatown cafe and it opened up like any door for me after the server crash there were a few players present I also do not own a car or airboat or know what anybody is talking about. We were all just roaming around killing time. There is no need to blow it out of proportion because it is just temporary so i guess there is nothing left to do but wait. Cheetor had brought it to everyone's attention that all the doors were open and a few members we just killing time and walking through different parts of the map. I do not know what happened but I was on the server when it crashed for me and it took me many times to get back on. At the end of the day the world goes on and bygones will be bygones it is only 2 days by the time everyone even gets to the bottom of this it will be over lol.

Nick Lo Loves LSD wrote

2 days by the time everyone even gets to the bottom of this it will be over lol.

Good luck, lol. Everything gets blown out of proportion.

I'd like to see this blow over. Sadly, I don't think there is much that will change the admins mind. Usually it's finalized once a ban takes place.

However...I'd like to see those logs on q-q explaining how to do it. That may shed some light on this. I know earth spoke of that.

lol well thats the last thing that we want to happen is everything getting blown out of proportion :pinkheart: it was all just a misunderstanding,