br1ck wrote
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? Because i'm a nice guy looking to have fun and respect other with the respect they give me! I love this community so lets all have fun running around making money and memories! And i make jails and cuffs while you make drugs and counterfeit money to get more wealthy! I want to help others overall on the server, recently people have been mean and i want to be able to help those who are in need, and become the best cop i can be. I'm active on the server and know many admins who have helped me out, one day i want to be like them and help others like they do.i respect everyone, treat people the way they want to be treated, hopefully i can bring a positive attitude to the moonshade community! I thank you for taking the time for reading it. Have a nice day and or night!
I'm going to be completely transparent with this one. The only two things I have ever encountered upon interacting with you are as follows.
- Toxicity
Now, I completely get that RDM is allowed. Whenever it is the only thing that you are doing on the server rather than farming or trying to properly interact with other people, it just looks like you're trying to ruin other peoples fun.
I write toxicity because I have hardly ever seen you act in a mature manner and you have an extremely low level of composure with any situation provided.
You stated that people have been mean. Can you blame them? Look at how you act! How can you bring a positive attitude to something when you have a hard time doing it now.
SIDENOTE: I keep getting compared to you, for reasons VERY unknown to me. I guess it's who I associated with on the server, or possibly past toxicity. But if there is one thing that I can say we do NOT have in common - it is professionalism. With these matters, I am looking for PROFESSIONAL tones, and you have not done that either in the server - or on this application.
The two key point I made on being treated unfairly and the positive attitude clearly speak miles to me on how this application may be more-so you playing the victim card, which you can't - because you know what you have been doing wrong and you clearly state these issues as well as the effects from previous actions.
I don't think you are ready, or even remotely capable of handling that responsibility at this point in time.