In-game name: VendettaKYMB

Server you were banned on: Moonshade RP / CSGO

Who banned you: Pablo Escobar / Nahs

Reason for ban: Exploitation

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28501625

Reason you think you should be unbanned: First offense

Evidence to support claim (if any): No evidence, I am guilty of exploitation. Honesty is key here. I did it because I was trying to make a bit of extra money, and I knew it was wrong to do this. I hope you guys can sympathize with me here. I am looking for at the very least, a ban reduction. Rest assured, it would be greatly appreciated - and this will not happen again.

( Plz unban mang I got sum gang shit to do d00d )

That last segment of your appeal makes it seem like you don't give a fuck.

Skittle wrote

That last segment of your appeal makes it seem like you don't give a fuck.

Trying to be lighthearted about it. I do apologize if that came across differently.

I assure you that if I really didn't " give a fuck " I would not have wasted my time writing this. It's a bit contradictory to think I would have that thought process - given my approach to this is.

  1. Admitting my fault
  2. Telling you I won't do it again.
  3. Asking for your sympathy.

I respect your opinion, and I see where you're coming from. But, you're being awfully rude about it.

One more thing. I didn't come here to beg to get unbanned, I came here to be a man, and admit my fault. What I did was wrong - and my actions caused others to suffer as well. I genuinely do feel bad about this, even more so that it has affected more than just one person. Hell, if I even get a reduction at all - I'll be happy regardless. Felt like I had to get this off my chest.

I do " give a fuck ". This post should be convincing enough. That's all I have to say.

( Keeping the last segment 😉 )

1) Warn - Tell the player to stop doing whatever they are doing wrong i.e breaking a rule, explain the rules that have been broken to them and try to help them understand it so that they do not break it again.
2) Gag/Mute - If the player is being negative towards you after you have warned them, gag/mute them in order to silence them so that they can have time to cool down, just remember to ungag/unmute them after a certain period of time such as 2 minutes.
3) Kick - If the player continues to break rules after you have explained what they are doing is wrong, kick them in order to prevent any further damage if it's a serious matter.
4) Ban/Consult another admin - After they have been kicked and they come back and repeat their behaviour, contact a higher admin notifying them that you'll be banning them.
5) Contact Owner/Permban (if given permission) - If in fact they come back after the short ban and still repeat their negative behaviour, contact the owner.

Listed above are admin procedures.
I was banned for a week on a first offense.

Vendetta: you jumped straight to a week
Vendetta: im posting this on the forums
Nahz is now Online.
Vendetta: You reading what im telling you
Vendetta: i just gave you admin procedures.
Vendetta: What you did doesn't abide by those.
Nahz: dont tell me how to do my job
Vendetta: i can
Nahz: you were exploiting now mic spam,ming
Vendetta: read.
Nahz: dont add me again
Vendetta: LOL
Nahz: lucky i did not make it longer
Vendetta: XD
Vendetta: posting this all on the forums my guy
Nahz is now Offline.

Is now claiming that I was also banned for mic spamming - which I did not do. At this point it's blatant that he isn't doing something correctly.

meant to say you were exploiting not mic spamming. big difference. There is 0 chance your ban will get cut short you can wait it out. maybe you will grow up a bit too in the time you are banned.

Nahz wrote

meant to say you were exploiting not mic spamming. big difference. There is 0 chance your ban will get cut short you can wait it out. maybe you will grow up a bit too in the time you are banned.

Nahz: you were exploiting now mic spam,ming
Vendetta: read.
Nahz: dont add me again
Vendetta: LOL
Nahz: lucky i did not make it longer

Okay Nahz. I'm switching my demeanor from calm, to extremely pissed off. You are in the wrong 100% and you need to re-read the admin procedures.
On top of that, YOU need to recognize that you are now accusing me of doing something I didn't do.

NOW you've just proven that you're trying to backtrack. I'm getting a screenshot of this whole conversation.

Nahz: you were exploiting now mic spam,ming

I made a typo like i just said. What was meant to say was not instead of now. obliviously you are not mic spamming cause your ass is banned for thinking exploiting would be a good idea to get away with. When i meant you were exploiting not mic spamming i was referring to the fact that there is a big difference in punishment between the the 2. Now plz stop trying to make your ban be cut short cause there is a zero chance that it wont be.

As you can see, I was very calm in explaining this to him. I posted the rules - explained to him where he could possibly be wrong.

He proceeds to say that I was mic spamming, and tells me that I am lucky that the ban wasn't longer.

So, I can tell you right now that he is lying, I didn't micspam. And this is proof enough that he is trying to backtrack his steps - cause he knows he may have fucked up. You know what you meant to say, as you followed up with telling me that my ban should've been longer ( Because apparently I have committed multiple offenses )

Nahz wrote

Nahz: you were exploiting now mic spam,ming

I made a typo like i just said. What was meant to say was not instead of now. obliviously you are not mic spamming cause your ass is banned for thinking exploiting would be a good idea to get away with. When i meant you were exploiting not mic spamming i was referring to the fact that there is a big difference in punishment between the the 2. Now plz stop trying to make your ban be cut short cause there is a zero chance that it wont be.

You are full of shit. I mean that with total disrespect. You did not make a typo.

You arent understanding what im trying to say here. I meant to say not instead of now. How can u be mic spamming if u arent even in the server . We were talking over steam. You rlogic makes zero sense man.

ok this isn't going anywhere anymore

FYI... we usually do not deal with ban appeals on temporary bans unless they're longer than a month. Seeing that yours is only a week its only up to the admin who banned you, Nahz. Temporary bans are 90% of the time final.

Depending on their judgement, an admin may skip with the general procedure as they please. In Nahz's eyes, he did not believe you had room for a warning. Sorry, that's just his opinion as an admin.

Wait the week and end this little crisis now.