Your In-Game name:VONIX
Admins In-Game name:Vito Corleone
Admins Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:194230655
What server did this happen on? The csgo RP server
What rules did the admin break? First of all he broke 2 or 3 but the main one is taking away my cop because i let a bounty kill out. But im 100 percent sure its legal to do that he said I MUST VIP him because he did MRDM but then i looked in the cop handbook by sheckles and the most recent updated one said on bullet point 2 said that I SHOULD it never said i MUST therefor he broke an admin rule by taking away my cop because i let out a bounty and I should have VIP him but I read the Handbook and it said I SHOULD not I MUST
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any
Other comments: in my opinion he is a good admin/player besides the fact when he does shit like this!