Your In-Game name:VONIX
Admins In-Game name:Vito Corleone
Admins Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:194230655

What server did this happen on? The csgo RP server

What rules did the admin break? First of all he broke 2 or 3 but the main one is taking away my cop because i let a bounty kill out. But im 100 percent sure its legal to do that he said I MUST VIP him because he did MRDM but then i looked in the cop handbook by sheckles and the most recent updated one said on bullet point 2 said that I SHOULD it never said i MUST therefor he broke an admin rule by taking away my cop because i let out a bounty and I should have VIP him but I read the Handbook and it said I SHOULD not I MUST

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any

Other comments: in my opinion he is a good admin/player besides the fact when he does shit like this!

Pretty sure the whole server can defend the fact that you should most definitely should not be a cop. Was a mistake to make you a cop in the first place. You always let peoples cuffs out all the time. YOU have had to get your cop taken away in the past. You have proven that you are not capable of being a cop. He was blatantly rdming like crazy you immediately let him out. To be honest you should still have your cop taken away from be fore was a mistake to give it back to you. Guess we thought you would have learned by then, and im done with having to deal with complaints on you letting other cops cuffs out or uncuffing others cuffs ext. To top this off lets not forget that you are currently banned from the server for exploiting on it. Sorry but thats a no no and exploiting is not allowed man. Gets cop taken away and gets ban hammer for exploiting. You not making a very great image of yourself man . All i can say is that i just did the community great favor by taken your cop away for final this time because like i said you have numerous times proven you cant handle being one and following the rules that come with it. You have broken the rules once to many times my friend. You wont be getting cop back for a while, and I hope when you come back that you decide not to exploit again. I do appreciate your honesty by confessing to it. Made it a lot easier for your self. Regardless.

Think upon your actions next time man,


You both wasted time writing this when there's literally no proof.

Skittle wrote

You both wasted time writing this when there's literally no proof.

I don't feel as if I did at all. I like for the community to know the truth and nothing but, and I quite like writing regardless.

Nahz wrote

I don't feel as if I did at all. I like for the community to know the truth and nothing but, and I quite like writing regardless.

More-so him than you. (In regards to who wasted time)

-rep u let out my cuffs all the time next u also let out others vip

I agree with Nazz, VONIX has let out my cuffs at least 4 times and is all around just a bad cop. Good decison to get rid of his cop

Gotta agree with Nahz here.

Sorry man, I know were cool. But - We really need to be honest with here and not get caught up in our emotions - facts are facts.

You and I, we did exploit. And we did indeed use you as a cop to show favoritism ( which in itself, is against the rules ). We had you stick by our drug operations and cuff/uncuff us when we were in trouble. That's why that was removed. As for the exploit - you and I did do this, and we are guilty. We can't get salty because we got caught.

Please don't take my input as a personal attack against you, as it's not. I am just stating facts, and that we should do things that are constituted as " Abiding by rules ".

We did some dirty stuff for the gang, and we paid the price.