In-Game name: Ekumo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28787076
Age: 20
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? I do, and I'm willing to use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: I'm available each day of the week. I'm usually on during the evening, mid-day and night.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 147
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: UTC-05:00, Canada.
Rules you view as most important: There are two rules that I find very important. Firstly, I feel that exploiting should always be punished swiftly, as I've seen first hand how one small vulnerability can ruin things for everyone, and really destroy the server in general. I also believe that nobody should constantly whine and complain to everyone on the server about a problem they're having, and instead talk to an admin or make a forum post as you've stated in the rules. It isn't fun for anyone to listen to, and it doesn't affect anything other than the mood of the server itself.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I was a cop on Syle22's Roleplay Server (a good one if I do say so myself) on HL2😃M (now Cold Community) from 2010 - 2015, and served as an admin (and later a super admin) there from mid-2010 to late 2011. I also was promoted to cop here in the summer of 2015, and later admin, but was required to leave (rather abruptly) due to personal issues. I know everything there is to know about roleplay down to the finest detail. I would require no training whatsoever, and would be able to start immediately upon being promoted (if you decide to do so). Besides all that, I rather enjoy being a cop, as it's always fun to interact with the community in a different way.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to speak to me in-game or through steam message.
Thank you for your consideration.