In-Game name: Cheetor
Steam ID: 76561198383117769
Age: 15

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? I do have a mic, and am always willing to use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: I can play every day during the holidays, and during the school year I can play during weekends.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 110

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: UTC-05:00, Toronto ON, CANADA

Rules you view as most important: RDM, killing new players, and racism.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I should become cop over other applicants because I am willing to help keep the server out of chaos and have it maintained at all times. I will also become a valuable part of this community by playing as a kind, fun, but rule respecting cop. I will always be there to help newer players as a cop. I am always active and love the server. I recently posted another app apologizing for all my wrongs in the past and that I want to start fresh as a positive person. I may be fun as a T, but as the moment I switch to cop I will take the role of the responsible person. Also if there are no cops on, I will take it upon myself to switch. Thank you for replying and I am happy to receive my feedback.

HUGE -REp racist on the server and all around toxic, you abused glitches and threaten to show them to people. TERRIBLE player.

+rep, Fun guy that I'm sure could handle it. The new player persona has gone and he's doing well for himself.

Been on the server with this guy, gave me keys to his house once, hes pretty nice, for the most part hes been respectful and funny. He used to be not as respectful but he said he would change and so far he is, would love to see this guy as a cop.

=rep hes starting to get better but he put rules most important and he says racism i have witnessed multiple times he has been saying the hard r

NOPE NOPE HEYULLL NAH. -rep boys lets see here. He rdms a shitton, minutes after his shallow ass "apology," he bought some negevs, and you can guess. It appears that he's also been accused of exploiting, but I haven't seen it. I have, however, seen his mass RDM sprees, and he doesn't want to appear to want to do anything else. Also, i have a large suspicion of Cheetor giving me keys to his house, and then killing me during my afk planting jig and stealing my plants. I don't support this, he needs to show that he is willing to become a genuine and nice part of the community before he can become anything above "player." Plz Not yet vapeNation

I am a sheep and I support your topic cool dude helpful and a good all around person

Lmao these comments slay me xD

helps people begin in the game doesn't random kos teaches ways to play and what to do
changed is way in playing

I love saying rep and will not stop so PLU$ REP to this player who has started anew and is now a good player.

Improve server outlook on yourself
Re-apply in 2 weeks from now, not within.