1,000 members is a huge milestone for the community, and this update lived up to the standards we had for that milestone.
I remember when myback first tried to stress test cars, and they simply crashed the server with 3 or more, now everyone can buy a car, with the price being based on their hours. The free-for-a-month parachute is something that nobody can complain about, unlike cars which have received complaints for some reason... If you don't like them, don't buy them, don't try to ruin it for the rest of us.
Anyways, I'm not completely sure what's in the High Rollers kit as I haven't opened mine yet, but my guess could be a few weapons, plants, printers etc. which is amazing for anybody who joins the server during the time-frame that this event is happening for, they can receive an edge over the competition, and attempt to defend themselves against the "big bad rich people"
The staff page rewrite has been needed for a while and I'm glad that it'll be easier for you to edit now if/when a new staff member comes along. (Or an old one uhh... you know)
As for the fresh servers, I'm glad the community will be branching out to other games/gamemodes, this will most definitely help the community grow.
It'll be a nice time being away from Westfield and City45 either permanently, or temporarily depending how much we all want them in the future, and in my opinion the map looks very nice for cars. It has those nice, wide roads y'know? I'm excited to see what's in store for this map, as I'm sure we'll be seeing some events take place.