In-game name:Br1ck

Server you were banned on:Roleplay

Who banned you:Biscuit093?

Reason for ban:Mic spam

Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:136137010

Reason you think you should be unbanned: So i can use a form of communication in the server,since I was perma gagged.And so i can help new players or people who need a reminder! Or talk to cops that i need a cuff uncuff or a jail unjail.

Evidence to support claim (if any):

its -rep because it is a very shallow and bad appeal

-rep one of the most toxic people on the server, should never be unmuted or ungagged. If he gets unmuted my ears will bleed from his voice plz dont do dis to me


Cancerous both in TeamSpeak, and in game.

No you've been perma muted several times in the past showing that you're clearly not mature enough for this server it's a -rep from me