Yay giveaways wooo!!!!
Moonshade group has 950 members at the time of posting this, once there is 1000, ill do a giveaway. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/moonshade
Join moonshade group
Invite your friends to the group https://steamcommunity.com/my/friends/?invitegid=103582791437208931
Join giveaway [font=verdana]https://gleam.io/Vpdqy/supporter-giveaway[/font]
Supporter Giveaway
Thanks for doing this, crazy. A very easy way to invite all your friends is listed in the spoiler below: (remove any blocked friends) You will have to be logged on Steam, though.
[spoiler=Easy invite method]How to invite: Join group then Click here
Warning - Make sure you have NO blocked friends on Steam before you hit INVITE TO GROUP
Confirmed people who have mass-invited (from today forward):
- CoalWorker
- DJ suh
- b Matt[/b]
- Lucifer (Matthew)
- Skittle
- - [/SIZE]
I tried and it wouldnt let me says had been invited or already in the group
83 of mine failed as well ????????????
EZ 264 invites, I better see my NAME on the mass invite list. Pls and ty. BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
Lol 30 of my friends were already in the group, still a decent amount tho
Hey Hey! I see 1000 members, I will draw at midnight.
awesome! what will the winner get tho
suh wroteawesome! what will the winner get tho
some amount of supporter lmao didn't you read the thread title
[size=medium]WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!![/size]
Congratulations Matt! You get Supporter for a Month
crazyninja wrote[size=medium]WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!![/size]
Congratulations Matt! You get Supporter for a Month
idk if you got that from pubg or not lol
congrats matt hope that goes to good use my guy
Im so salt i thought i won Gratz tho
Thanks alot! I already have this month and the next month of supporter, so I might want to give it to a friend, if that is possible. Thanks.
Edit: Unless you've already made the payment )
Madimir wroteidk if you got that from pubg or not lol
I got it from a friend who plays pubg, guess thats how he got it.
Matt you can give it to a friend if you like, its all up to you, unless the supporter was already added