Thanks for doing this, crazy. A very easy way to invite all your friends is listed in the spoiler below: (remove any blocked friends) You will have to be logged on Steam, though.

[spoiler=Easy invite method]How to invite: Join group then Click here

Warning - Make sure you have NO blocked friends on Steam before you hit INVITE TO GROUP


Confirmed people who have mass-invited (from today forward):

  • CoalWorker
  • DJ suh
  • b Matt[/b]
  • Lucifer (Matthew)
  • Skittle
  • [/SIZE]

I tried and it wouldnt let me says had been invited or already in the group 🙁

83 of mine failed as well ????????????

EZ 264 invites, I better see my NAME on the mass invite list. Pls and ty. BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump

Lol 30 of my friends were already in the group, still a decent amount tho

Hey Hey! I see 1000 members, I will draw at midnight.

awesome! what will the winner get tho

suh wrote

awesome! what will the winner get tho

some amount of supporter lmao didn't you read the thread title

crazyninja wrote

[size=medium]WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!![/size]
Congratulations Matt! You get Supporter for a Month


idk if you got that from pubg or not lol

congrats matt hope that goes to good use my guy

Im so salt i thought i won 😢 Gratz tho

Thanks alot! I already have this month and the next month of supporter, so I might want to give it to a friend, if that is possible. Thanks.

Edit: Unless you've already made the payment 🙂)

Madimir wrote

idk if you got that from pubg or not lol

I got it from a friend who plays pubg, guess thats how he got it.
Matt you can give it to a friend if you like, its all up to you, unless the supporter was already added 😛