In-Game name:Br1ck
Steam ID:76561198232539748

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to use it.

Days of the week you are available to play:Fridays,Saturdays, and Sundays. And others if possible.

Current Hours In-Game on our server:I currently have 163 hours!

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: I live in Michigan in side of the U.S.A. which is the eastern time zone!

Rules you view as most important: If I become a cop I will have the rules on on my monitor

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? Because i'm a nice guy looking to have fun and respect other with the respect they give me! I love this community so lets all have fun running around making money and memories! And i make jails and cuffs while you make drugs and counterfeit money to get more wealthy! I want to help others overall on the server, recently people have been mean and i want to be able to help those who are in need, and become the best cop i can be. I'm active on the server and know many admins who have helped me out, one day i want to be like them and help others like they do.i respect everyone, treat people the way they want to be treated, hopefully i can bring a positive attitude to the moonshade community!

Put more effort please!
Expand onto your last section!

if u wanna get cop shawty, at least put more detail. Not like a brick. Expand it, feel me?

-rep very rude (as u can see on prozacs report) and i can see struggle as a cop

Nice Beautiful application after you're edits. If you can be a mature cop, you are fine!

Explain more about in your why you want to be cop
Ps. try to be more polite on the server with others instead of yelling at them and dont mic spam in the server
sorry my dude

TACO wrote

Explain more about in your why you want to be cop
Ps. try to be more polite on the server with others instead of yelling at them and dont mic spam in the server
sorry my dude

Try and try again and you will succeed in life and maybe in the future

-Rep talks shit to people i explained in his ungag appeal, i fell you will use this new power to better yourself on the server and if you do, do that (after getting cop) i wil report you. LUL TriHard


Please re-apply in two weeks time, your reputation among the community was a factor in denying the application.