Server recommendations that can bring in revenue to the community.

Counter-Strike Servers (CS:GO)


Garry's Mod Servers


-Dark RP (kinda risky but potentially worth the investment)
-Purge (Not RP, more of a base building/teams up to 4 people killing each other, Tango, my old community, did something similar to it and it brought in a lot of money and it was just a fun game mode in general and would like to see another community do something similar, since Tango's purge server died due to poor management and favoritism in the community. It may need some tweaking for the plug in, but I think it would be well worth it. Another thing to note for why Tango's purge died was because they also changed weapon packs multiple times, which reset the stats for everyone and it ticked off the regular players, which is something to learn from other's mistakes).

These are just the main game modes that bring in revenue and people into the community if executed correctly, emphasis on executed.
Ways the servers can bring in revenue:

-Ads on MOTD for Garry's Mod (It may seem unprofessional, but the larger communities such as GFL Clan is doing it on there servers and it's becoming a bigger trend). *I also want to note that ads and monthly/quarterly/yearly subscriptions have a more consistent revenue stream.

-Have a point system for Garry's Mod and CS:GO servers
For Garry's Mod, there is a couple of ways you can approach this, you can have your donators pay a certain amount for donator points and benefits, and or have a monthly subscription for it where the donators earn donator points for playing for X amount of minutes or hours, increments can vary. There is also the option that players can earn cases for trails and player models, but need to spend so many points or donator points to get the key to unlock it, which also gives you the option to add keys to donator's perks.

Counter-Strike, on the other hand, has a little less variety for donator perks and all that. You could have a point system implemented in place as well, for player models and tracers, and donators get double points earned, a percentage off certain player models, or exclusive player models/trails/tracers.

-Back to Garry's Mod, this mostly pertains to the Deathrun server, but can apply to the Jailbreak server, you can have skins on knives, which also goes back to the point system, but you can have certain skins exclusive for donators to earn to add an incentive for donating.

The whole idea of having a point system in place is to keep players grinding and staying for awhile to earn different cosmetics or items in the servers, which should help population a little bit, but you will need players already on the server to help.

Events is another key factor to keep people playing, whether it's giveaways, tournaments, or etc. This will also keep people playing on servers and rewards people for staying on.
*I want to reiterate that the servers need to be executed well and have other community members playing on them to attract new members, as well as potentially doing advertising, whether it is social media or trading websites.

I was also talking to some other community members a couple days ago, and I heard that the community only has one server box, another would be worth the investment, but it would be a slight risk to over extend to quickly and not have the management for the servers, which can pose a problem.

We have tried jail break and mini games they didint work. I Don't know if myback wants to expand into gmod and waisting money on servers that will flop.

MrCrocker wrote

We have tried jail break and mini games they didint work. I Don't know if myback wants to expand into gmod and waisting money on servers that will flop.

No, it wouldn't be wasting money. We have a whole dedicated server, as in imagine a whole computer only meant for hosting servers.

These are high quality ideas. We don't get them very often. Treat them with a grain of salt, as in respect, contrary to its slang nowadays.

Talking broadly, we could go to any game that supports dedicated servers with any idea. It's just a matter of: will the time put into the server pay off?

MrCrocker wrote

We have tried jail break and mini games they didint work. I Don't know if myback wants to expand into gmod and waisting money on servers that will flop.

Just because you tried Jailbreak and Mini Games on CS:GO and it failed doesn't mean you shouldn't try again and improve upon the flaws that made it fail before, you have to treat it as a learning experience and look at what and how you could make it better, you can't just give up after one try. Sometimes you just have to start out fresh with new ideas and an open mind and listen to what others in the community want, you have to know your target market and the supply and demand of the market as well. Right now, during the summer, is the best time to start up servers and attract people before school starts, because if they become regulars and enjoy the servers, people will come back during their free time within school season.

*Also, Garry's Mod and CS:GO has the most potential for any community to expand upon, you can't really get many people into the community through smaller games such as Unturned or TF2, because they don't have the player base large enough. You still can, but it won't be worth the investment as Gmod or CS:GO.

Serj wrote

Just because you tried Jailbreak and Mini Games on CS:GO and it failed doesn't mean you shouldn't try again and improve upon the flaws that made it fail before, you have to treat it as a learning experience and look at what and how you could make it better, you can't just give up after one try. Sometimes you just have to start out fresh with new ideas and an open mind and listen to what others in the community want, you have to know your target market and the supply and demand of the market as well. Right now, during the summer, is the best time to start up servers and attract people before school starts, because if they become regulars and enjoy the servers, people will come back during their free time within school season.

*Also, Garry's Mod and CS:GO has the most potential for any community to expand upon, you can't really get many people into the community through smaller games such as Unturned or TF2, because they don't have the player base large enough. You still can, but it won't be worth the investment as Gmod or CS:GO.

Csgo in general is dying and no one can deny that. Players are getting really bored with the same repetitive game. Short even said he was going to retire in 2018. No one can deny the decrease in players. And games like pubg, rainbow 6 sige, and other games are grabbing peoples attention. I have witnessed this in first person. I had a friend that was obssesed in csgo. After he got a decent rank and wad tired of competitive game he found no interest in csgo. And not to mention after a big update valve breaks half of the maps people use in there server. Its just hard to start up a community in csgo now a days.

True, Crocker, CS: GO isn't getting any better, but I have seen things much more discrete, such as communities being birthed and surviving on even "deader" games such as CS:S and so on.

Long story short, there's been weirder things and like Serj said, we aren't trying hard enough with our other servers. To be brief, MiniGames have the best chance of being greenlit again, in terms of the short term.

CS:GO has a whole different player base now than when it first came out, but there are tons of players who pretty much only play community servers, because it is fun. Sure it might be dying, but it still has the most potential and largest player base on steam.

Another thing I failed to mention earlier for an idea is that you can have monthly donation goals, and if achieved everyone in the community could get something as a reward or have a giveaway if the goal is reached. Monthly goals is a pretty good idea in my opinion, because you can have a budget based around that, you can even have monthly goals for certain servers if you wanted, for better tracking.

*You could also go into minecraft for servers such as Factions, Kit PvP, or Skyblock, but those are heavily saturated and is more of a risk than Gmod, but I do believe you can still have ads on minecraft servers? Plus there is also a lot more different perks you could do within minecraft.

Serj wrote

CS:GO has a whole different player base now than when it first came out, but there are tons of players who pretty much only play community servers, because it is fun. Sure it might be dying, but it still has the most potential and largest player base on steam.

Another thing I failed to mention earlier for an idea is that you can have monthly donation goals, and if achieved everyone in the community could get something as a reward or have a giveaway if the goal is reached. Monthly goals is a pretty good idea in my opinion, because you can have a budget based around that, you can even have monthly goals for certain servers if you wanted, for better tracking.

*You could also go into minecraft for servers such as Factions, Kit PvP, or Skyblock, but those are heavily saturated and is more of a risk than Gmod, but I do believe you can still have ads on minecraft servers? Plus there is also a lot more different perks you could do within minecraft.

I would like to see a donation goal so the money can go into better servers and advertising. You sound like you have ran it co owned a community before. Have you?

No I haven't. I was suppose to run a couple servers in Tango, but a couple people didn't like me so I never did, their lost. I just have a lot of different ideas and you just have to challenge yourself and look at different things other people are doing, you have to know your competition and target market. I do a lot of research on the side, but the monthly goal idea I got from some minecraft servers a few years ago, and I thought about starting my own community last year but I instead invested into candle making. I have to give credit to my business teacher, because you have to look at things in different aspects and not just have tunnel vision or be dead set on something. He kinda taught me to look at the risks and costs of things, plus I just like having things organized into a budget and go from there.

Myback I think you should take thid guys advice and retry mini games work on that then branch off of that.

MrCrocker wrote

Myback I think you should take thid guys advice and retry mini games work on that then branch off of that.

mini games was worse then JB in terms of population

Deadpool wrote

mini games was worse then JB in terms of population

That's how it is in most communities, that's why Jailbreak should be prioritized over mini-games, in my opinion. Jailbreak usually has people playing for longer periods, which is why it would have more for population.

I could say the same thing about arma3life, it was HUGE when first introduced in 2014, I was a moderator, EMS chief, and a player for the 4th arma life server ever opened. I've learned how to develope for arma3. I like to analyze data. And overall, the popular servers are lacking in keeping their mods protected, resulting in hundreds of copy paste servers with the same mods being passed around. The European life server scene has a ride in custom content that supersedes what any of the American servers can do, disregarding the big servers. The consistency of trends is poor for starting any form or arma server at the current time. 1900 hours and you'd think I'd never say not to open an arma server. Players are drawn towards the custom content, nicer cars, bigger buildings. Those are being made by the top 10% of servers, the lower 90% use public mods, public scripts, and overused and probably broken crap.

12 Sheckles A Meme wrote

I could say the same thing about arma3life, it was HUGE when first introduced in 2014, I was a moderator, EMS chief, and a player for the 4th arma life server ever opened. I've learned how to develope for arma3. I like to analyze data. And overall, the popular servers are lacking in keeping their mods protected, resulting in hundreds of copy paste servers with the same mods being passed around. The European life server scene has a ride in custom content that supersedes what any of the American servers can do, disregarding the big servers. The consistency of trends is poor for starting any form or arma server at the current time. 1900 hours and you'd think I'd never say not to open an arma server. Players are drawn towards the custom content, nicer cars, bigger buildings. Those are being made by the top 10% of servers, the lower 90% use public mods, public scripts, and overused and probably broken crap.

Arma is a good game to have servers on, I personally never played Arma, but it has done very well in Tango and for other communities. The custom content would take to much time and resources to develop, but would be better to try after a well established player base from other games have been made.

Serj wrote

Arma is a good game to have servers on, I personally never played Arma, but it has done very well in Tango and for other communities. The custom content would take to much time and resources to develop, but would be better to try after a well established player base from other games have been made.

Arma RP is on the decline, GTAV RP is the new hot thing

All you need is ice posiden to play on your servers and get 1000+ people trying to get on.

12 Sheckles A Meme wrote

1900 hours and you'd think I'd never say not to open an arma server.

who are you and what have you done with shecklse

Earth wrote

who are you and what have you done with shecklse

idk earth im kinda scurd