In-game name: Njw
The server you were banned on: Moonshade Rp
Who banned you: Myback
Reason for ban: being cucboy and trolling
steam ID: STEAM_0:1:77825262
Reason you think you should be unbanned: I want to play again with beefin to experience the new updates to the server
evidence to support claim (if any): none
I would like to formally apologize for being an asshole in the past and causing mayhem to the server in times of crisis like when Church was locking down the PD to keep an inmate in VIP Jail for 30 minutes. Also, i would like to apologize for the claims of "DDOS" attacks to the server when it went down one day which ended up in myself getting perma muted and perma gagged. I never actually made any effect to the server go down, I just claimed it was me to further troll the forums which lead me to get on that also.
I was just hoping to make a return to the server with beefin to try out the new modifications you added to the server. I would seem that it playing on the server now would be way more enjoyable to do. I would like to play as a normal play that can communicate(Hopefully getting unmuted) and play as a normal player on the server. Overall, I was just hoping to have a good time again and play on the MoonShade role play server again.
HeHe XD...
[i]From, Njwbod[/i]