In-game name: Prozac
Server you were banned on: Moonshade RP.
Who banned you: Spooky
Reason for ban: "Doxx"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23236588
Reason you think you should be unbanned: I did not release anyones private or confidential information.
Evidence to support claim (if any): I was in VR3, which is not the general communication channel. Everyone who was in there decided to be in there on their own accord.
The reason I was banned was for "Doxx" that's what showed up on the game, and I'm defending myself for that particular reason.
I joined the teamspeak to speak with spooky about what was going on and he changed his mind stating that he felt that one of the several phone calls I made was inappropriate.
Specifically referencing the national suicide prevention hotline.
At the beginning of the conversation I was asked if I was calling for myself, or for someone else (You can reference the recording Suh has been continuously talking about). I specifically stated I was calling for someone else, which is not a lie. I was kicked from the server shortly after and ended my call.
It was said over the teamspeak that what I did may have been considered insensitive because I'm not aware of what others are going through. However what I did was not with any malicious intent, nor was it in violation of our rules here.
There's the argument of potentially obstructing someone who "needed" help from receiving it due to my call, and my argument is that I potentially needed that hotline just as much as anyone else. It's not something that can be left open to interpretation or speculation in this case. I don't believe such speculation warrants a ban.
I'd like to add that it seems to me that this punishment was made with extreme prejudice with individuals such as Skittle and Suh "egging" on Spooky in the team speak. Both of which have open reports from me.
I had an opportunity to speak with Gnome post incident, which apparently was a mistake because he decided to increase what was a 24hr ban from spooky to a 2 week ban? I guess?