Sorry for innapropiate format did not know there was a format for unban appeals
In-game name: Quaalude
Server you were banned on: Moonshade Lite RP
Who banned you: Sheckles or spooky idk
Reason for ban: "doxxing"
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:79555730
Reason you think you should be unbanned: This started out as a harmless prank with me starting it with prank calling mcdonalds then as time went by i had a idea to prank a IRL friend that is close to me. She was completely okay with it as i asked her about it after and besides giving out the phone number to 20 people i never gave out any other personal info as they were learned as prozac asked her and she knew 20 people were listening.
Evidence to support claim (if any): a whole server filled with people, sorry dont have screenshots or video recording because i did not believe i was doing anything wrong at the time.