In-Game name: Somebody
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68219665
Age: 12

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to (over) use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play on Friday, and Sunday. Any other days I do not know if I can or cant.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 15

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: PDT (UTC/GMT -7 hours), Sacramento

Rules you view as most important: No RDM, Respect all players, Do not use any external program or modification to gain you an advantage in the game, Do not evade bans with different steam accounts or proxies,

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?: First off I have read off the rules, I am wantting to become a cop so I can help the people who cant help them self in game, and I want to stop mass RDMers (Bob the happy headcrab) and other people who are just d@#$s (Miner (1)).

+rep, hes respects new players and gives players tutorials

i feel like you should wait a bit, were very novice at the game.
planted drugs in 2nd bank, then in clear as day in a residentail house. gg.

play some more and learn how to play a bit??

-rep more or less

GreatKids wrote

+rep, hes respects new players and gives players tutorials

How can he do that if he doesnt even know where to plant drugs...

I was testing something, and btw I did help 2 people, and its true

GreatKids wrote

+rep, hes respects new players and gives players tutorials

gave 3 today

TheLaw wrote
GreatKids wrote

+rep, hes respects new players and gives players tutorials

gave 3 today

Well you obviously didn't do a good job because when I hopped on with you and two other dudes, they were just flat out set to stab me.
Please refer them to the official help guide and actually teach them how to play, o had to go so I wasn't able to teach correctly

12 Sheckles a meme wrote
TheLaw wrote
GreatKids wrote

+rep, hes respects new players and gives players tutorials

gave 3 today

Well you obviously didn't do a good job because when I hopped on with you and two other dudes, they were just flat out set to stab me.
Please refer them to the official help guide and actually teach them how to play, o had to go so I wasn't able to teach correctly

oh they did that to me too, then I made them rage quit after I offered them a tutorial about 10 times
also they wern't the ones that I gave tutorials to

[font=comic sans ms]Accepted[/font]