KarmaVIP [font=times new roman]This has been brought to my attention by Crazyninja, but here. [RP-Drug] - You cannot pick up this plant, you have too many grams on you! Apparently at 9000 grams (approx) you are given that message. I personally liked it when there was no cap, and that made griding easier. What I usually do is I just chill around and come back and press E and then replant with P. Now I have to take trips which increases the risk of losing my grams. I find it easier to make 1 trip then have like 30 trips to fully grind out. I think that other users feel the same and I vote on a removal of this grams max thing.[/font]
Skittle Realistically, it makes sense... But, this is MoonShade. I just want to sit in my house and farm drugs. I'm sure most would agree with me here...
SPOOKY 12 Sheckles A Meme wrote Stops people from sitting in their house for 9000 hours why does it matter if people sit in there house and farm drugs? it does not affect anyone on the server so why would it matter and if you say its a risk factor than that is entirely false as making a drug run with 50K grams is far more risky then a drug run with 9K grams
KarmaVIP I rather just farm and go out when its quiet. I hate it when I end up getting rdm'd by someone who does not have that much experience on the server/