Your In-Game name: Fluttershy...
Offenders In-Game name: El Tranko De Costum
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:200120715
What server did this happen on?
CSGO RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break?
Disrespecting players.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: Unfortunately no but I have eye witnesses: Patrick J Fox, Sandwich man and Tybartan
Other comments:
I'm making this report because I'm constantly being bullied by El Tranco. When I come on the CS-GO Roleplay server he immediately makes it his single goal on the server to kill me and raid my Items. Most of the time I come on the server to grind and make money. Lately, I've lost 90% of my money on locks trying to prevent him from breaking in and stealing my items. At this point, I'm dirt poor and I'm trying to make up the money I've lost but I can't because it constantly being attacked by this player. his doing is like bullying a new player with no money, and that's what I am Although I have experience on the server I can't do anything to stop him from attacking me because I have no money. I've asked him to stop doing this but he ignored me and started taunting me, of corse I get mad and it carries me away and I get muted, but; in my defense, he was taunting me. I come on this server to have fun and blow off some steam after school. All I ask is to talk to El Tranco and for him to stop bullying me and ruining my experience on this server. At this point, he has made me feel like quitting the server intireley and literally wanting me to kill myself IRL. I get this mad only because I love this server and I want to have fun Playing with others.R