In-game name: Fox_2413
Server you were muted on: Moonshade RP
Who muted you: I dont know but my guess is either Patrick J Fox or Church/Deadpool
Reason for mute: Dont really know either other than I was talking about the deadpool meme and got perm gagged and muted after I hopped back on to try and talk to deadpool
Steam ID: My steam id is STEAM_0:1:97799031
Reason you think you should be unmuted: I think I should be unmuted because deadpool got really angry everyone was talking about the "deadpool meme" and muted me and gagged me since I wanted to talk to him about it and wouldnt answer my steam messages I relogged and got perm gagged and muted dont really know why deadpool got angry about this subject other than a plant pot depicted his past but other than that I did nothing wrong and broke no rules to be muted and gagged in the first place.
Evidence to support claim (if any):