In game name: Fluttershy...
Do you have a mic and are ready to use it:
All day everyday until you mute me (no mic spamming tho š )
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90865541
Time on server:
60 hours
Days of the week available to play:
Everyday unless something stops me from doing so. A long pause would likely be thst im on a VACation or my mom took away my compiuter :biblethump:
Time Zone & location:
Mountain Time, Alberta CANADA
I have knowledge of almost all aspects of the ''RP'' Rules and game aspects.
Rules you view as most important:
I know the feeling of setting up a deal only to get scammed. I feel as scamming is my number one priority above respect because I intend to keep the server truthful and Trusting in one andanother. Trust is an important aspect of all relationships and the server is all about having fun and enjoying each others company. The second priority below scamming is respect. I know the feeling of being put down by someone trying to ruin someones day. I know that even the best days you cold have there will always be that one guy that will bring you down and i intend to protect the server by spreading my kitkat bites of happiness to everyone.
Why shouldwe pick you over other applicants:
Other than the importance I show in the rules. I sometime get on at 2to 5 Am in the morning and I sometimes see people Exploiting or not following the rules and manytimes i cant do much to help the situation givin to me becase i only have civ powers. If i am givin the opportunity to join the force i will use my powers to stop these people whocant follow the rules when nobody is wachingby teaching dicipline and respect by stressing the importance of rules in the server and in real life.