Alright, so as soon as I want to try to get more involved with the server and community I get VAC banned.
Sorry about complaining because I know about 98% of you do not give one shit about it, but I will anyways since I am livid.
So here's what happened, I think:
My little brother has a history of stealing and just overall being a douche. I was a little suspicious when I noticed him eyeing up my password for Steam as I was logging in when he came in my room just a short time before I left. I really didn't pay too much attention to it at that point, but now I realized I should've just changed it before I went to work. Anyways, I came back home a few hours later and my account was logged out, I thought it was a little weird, but I logged in and booted up CS: GO and tried to get on the server. That's when it came up saying I was VAC banned. I immediately confronted the little shit about it, and, of course, he denies everything and tells me his account is banned as well.
Well that's only the outcome of his antics, apparently. When my mom came home later, she checked her bank account like she does every night, and there it was, a $40.00 purchase from some CS: GO cheating website. I just about killed him. He was the only one home that day when the mail came, and my mom's new card just happened to get delivered when I am not home. So now he hasn't just got me banned from a game I was just getting really into, but he stole more money from my parents. The little douche is 15 and already has stolen over $2000.00 from his own fucking parents.
I don't understand why he had to take my account, I don't get it at all. He has CS: GO on his account. None of this makes any sense, but yeah... I guess I will be seeing you guys on a different account from now on once I get my next paycheck or find a way to scrounge up the money for CS: GO again since I don't want to dip into my savings. Shit, sorry for the rant, I'm done.
tl;dr: my douche-bag brother stole money from my mom to buy cheats to use on my account.