can we please get a fix for this in console
CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound: No such sound NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight
CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound: No such sound NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft

when ever someone has a NPC as a pet it spams this in console and makes it extrememly hard to copy or screen shot things from console if we can get a fix that would be awesome but it is a very minor bug or exploit (if you make this your pet and constantly move aroud if you really did want someone to see something in console) so if there is no fix/or all the other admins have better things to to its fine

in your autoexec.cfg add this

con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text_out CSound


just make sure everytime you load in you do

exec autoexec

and you can put other stuff in your autoexec too! as you can see i have a bind so that when i enter "moon" in the console, i connect to moonshade! you can also put some sm_commands in there too, like trail, hud color, ring color, etc

12 Sheckles A Meme wrote

in your autoexec.cfg add this

con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text_out CSound


just make sure everytime you load in you do

exec autoexec

and you can put other stuff in your autoexec too! as you can see i have a bind so that when i enter "moon" in the console, i connect to moonshade! you can also put some sm_commands in there too, like trail, hud color, ring color, etc

Sweet thank you