Your In-Game name: Growliff
Offenders In-Game name: Prozac
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23236588
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break? Repetitive favoritism toward certain players since his acquisition of cop
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: You can ask many many different people about different occasions of this happening.
Other Comments: This is not the only time this has happened by far, someone will be on drug crime and he will instantly jail you then not let you out, but he decides to let out other people just because he can, even if they are on a mass rdm spree. This is happening to many players including myself obviously. He claims that he just thought the other people should be let out. It's funny haha I have to wait in here, okay, but once it happens multiple times in each day, it is truly annoying. It is especially annoying when he is outside of your apartment when other people have more crime and are killing people, while you're just trying to make a quick dollar on the server. He recently spent quite a while outside of our door, if I remember correctly it was night before last, two cops were there, 3 other people that were randomly there. Everyone was trying to get in and we were trying to defend our place. Today he pushed me back away from the door so some random person could come in, and take everyone's printers/cacti, he did not take these items himself. This happens at Slippuh's apartment on the second story of the town hall houses when you take the left door.