In-Game name: Fox_2413
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97799031
Age: 13
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I have a microphone and I am able to use it at anytime necessary.
Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play everyday of the week this summer unless I have a plan for that day.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 122
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: GMT -6:00 Central Time
Rules you view as most important: As becoming a cop I view RDM as a rule me and many cops should view as the most important mainly because it can depict someone's view on the servers community. Many times when a cop RDM's it makes the game bland, boring, and time wasting. If a cop does not RDM and follows the rules accordingly then the game can be fun and enjoying and the community can grow and everyone is enthusiastic toward one another.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I think I should be chosen over other applicants because I have been with the Moonshade Community for awhile and many times I have had ups and downs and I took a break because I did not want to effect the community with my "toxicness" I do agree that I was very terrible and mean but I have used the break to reflect on myself and I now look forward to joining the Moonshade Community again. With that out of the way I think I should get down to types of cops and what I am going to be. As long as I have been with the community I have seen some good cops and not so good cops, what I aim to be and everyone who applies to be a cop should try and be is a good cop that helps enforce the rules of being a cop and while still remaining a good cop. If I do get accepted I look forward to helping out the community and its players and being a fantastic cop. Thank you everyone who has spent some of their time reading this and I look forward to the future of Moonshade and its community thank you and goodbye.