In-Game name: GreatTaco
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82081050
Age: 15

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes and i have it all the time

Days of the week you are available to play: all the time ( i have know life)

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 15

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Easten time zone / Usa

Rules you view as most important: RDM

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? i want to give the law and be the law so i can help the people that live in are small map but one thing is that we need more cops so im helping every one. you should pick me because ill be on the server all day helping and saving the people.

Re: GreatTaco cop application

"I'm salty, I'm leaving."
Although it is good for him to avoid being salty to people, I believe that cops especially deserve a special kind of ability to contain this and push through as a respectful gentlemen. I've shared my few words of wisdom. Now he can learn.

Re: GreatTaco cop application

I think the only thing I see you do on the server is run around and backstab Police.

Re: GreatTaco cop application

-1 rep because rdm king /troll

9 days later

Re: GreatTaco cop application

Under Review, if any other admins or anyone else have any inputs about this applicant, please post it. Also keep your personal opinions about the applicant away from this application and only give feedback that is related to the application or is seen in the server about the applicant.