In-Game name: Jordan
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52927012
Age: 18
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes
Days of the week you are available to play: 7
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 45
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: EST + Canada
Rules you view as most important: Every rule is very important to me, but if I had to pick one, it would be Mass RDM.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? Being a cop seems like a fun, yet very important job. Instead of growing drugs and earning money "illegaly" (so to speak), I would rather be running around, hauling RDM-ers behind the bars of justice. I want to help grow the community by protecting new players as they get started on the path of corruption.