I only looked at the first one for now but im almost SURE that Kilo knew that i was joking, i even put later on a Kappa in chat, but im sorry if you took it as a non joke, and Why do you name ONLY the friends that hate me, AND other people talk WAY more shit to you guys and say nothing about it, but its just me. Go report bypass or someone for bullying you OR Ariana for calling you guys autistic, but no its always me. I stopped going after you guys and then Snaz kept picking and choosing people not to kill and who to kill he kills me yea i got salt but then killed and it was over.
Second screenshot he was on the teleporter and he kept getting in my shot, so i told him to leave
ALL the Kilo screenshots are out of text i was just messing with him cause he was gloating about the bank
Last screenshot again was a joke i EVEN put a jk jk jkjk at the end if you gonna report me at least look at the other things and get it in context