In-Game name: .bypass
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96708522 / 76561198153682772
Age: 22

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes / Yes

Days of the week you are available to play: Currently Monday - Sunday, but that is subject to change.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 26h (1600m)

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Central Standard Time (TX, USA)

Rules you view as most important: Mass RDMing is NOT allowed. (Killing >= ten players in five minutes)

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? In my time on the server, I have seen many players unfairly prisoned, I have seen many players unfairly released from prison early, and I have seen players who commit crimes for far too long go unpunished due to Police officers not fully upholding the law, be it that they choose not to or are incapable. I would like to be a cop because I want to give what I can to help enforce the rules that are in place and keep peace and justice on the streets. That said, I cannot give you a definite reason as to why I am a better applicant; what I can say, though, is that I am dedicated to the server (gaining 26 hours of in-game playtime in 2 days) and will do my best to keep the crime on Moonshade to a minimum.

Best person on is very active and also chill <3 +rep

Your application is good, and I'm sure you can earn your leftover 4 hours when the next admin meeting comes.
Since +rep and -rep is re-introduced, I'll give it a +rep

Actually, since I have submitted the app, I have reached the 30 hours needed. 😃
Can't wait to see the result!

+rep Follows all the rules and doesn't want any problems with anybody knows the server very well, and a very friendly guy.

[font=times new roman]+Rep[/font] He is very helpful to new and old players, and he is just overall a good player. He is very social, and would make a terrific cop.

I support bypass becoming a cop because of his willingness to use a mic and explain things to individuals.

Prozac wrote

I support bypass becoming a cop

you have to give a reason.

See [member=1]myback[/member] or [member=764]CoalWorker[/member] in-game for training!