in-game name: SnaZ_Tiger
steam id: STEAM_0:1:110625545
age: 12
Do you have a microphone and willing to use it: yes
days of the week you are play: mostly all
time zone + location on planet earth: EST united states
rules you view is most important: fair play, no abusing glitches on maps like car exploits, and out of map glitches.
why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants: I want to become cop so I can keep moonshade a fun and enjoyable place to play. You should pick me over applicants because I can play a lot and I can talk to people. I will be mature unlike most kids my age. I love the idea of helping other people by arresting criminals. I play everyday for at least 3 hours and during the summer pretty much all day. Many people can't be mature and say things like "that's what she said" and other things I don't want to get into. I don't do things like that. I fallow rules and play fairly. Please don't let my voice make you thing I am immature that is just my mic. People may say I'm toxic and annoying but they are just immature kids who have nothing better to do. I'm not trying to say everyone is immature I am just saying people who say thing like "squeker" just want to say that so they can sound like they are more mature because they have a deeper voice or they don't even talk.
hours: 50