In-game name: Singles (Above Average Penis)

Server you were banned on: Roleplay

Who banned you: Deadpool/Church/Sniper_assasin9

Reason for ban:I said Nigga (not ina disrespectful way or racist)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:153704526

Reason you think you should be unbanned: I don't say this in a racist way, and i don't purposely do it, i just say it casually as i grew up using it and i see people say N♥♥♥♥r in a disrespectful way and nothing happen. I wasn't breaking a rule no disrespect at all no racial slurs being used.

Evidence to support claim (if any):

A. Pretty sure he told you not to say it yesterday
B. ur supposed to listen to admins regardless of how stupid their orders sound

myback wrote

A. Pretty sure he told you not to say it yesterday
B. ur supposed to listen to admins regardless of how stupid their orders sound
C. better off just appealing ur mute instead of reporting an admin

Isn't this the ban appeal section and the proper ban appeal format? or am i in the wrong section im not reporting an admin im just trying to get ungagged. I only said it once i was gonna listen to his "orders" but he insta perm gagged me. And yes he did tell me not to say it the day before but i just say it casually and dont really censor myself at all and to be quite honest i think a perm gag might be alittle much for not being disrespectful or racist at all really.

this is not the first time ive warned you for saying that word, people steam msg me and complain, they wont come out and say it on the server due to them not wanting to offend so they use me and i don't care for that word at all, its derogatory and rude and it does NOT make you sound cool or badass it makes you sound like a punk ass kid who need a beating and ive seen kids get beat for saying that so for your own good id stop using it
so yes i permagagged you for disobeying and order from an admin multiple times

p.s. your not banned so you might wanna fix that, unless you wanna be banned? i can arrange that if you do so desire XD

Deadpool wrote

this is not the first time ive warned you for saying that word, people steam msg me and complain, they wont come out and say it on the server due to them not wanting to offend so they use me and i don't care for that word at all, its derogatory and rude and it does NOT make you sound cool or badass it makes you sound like a punk ass kid who need a beating and ive seen kids get beat for saying that so for your own good id stop using it
so yes i permagagged you for disobeying and order from an admin multiple times

p.s. your not banned so you might wanna fix that, unless you wanna be banned? i can arrange that if you do so desire XD

First of all: You're*

Second of all, simply saying the word "nigga" is NOT racist, and if people complained, then they're just being over-sensitive. Plus, they're probably all fucking white.

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

Like i said it is just a word i use casually yes he said dont use it 2 days ago but i just said it once not like i used it after he told me not to that day. and this is a ban appeal isn't being perm gagged a form of a ban? or is there a mute appeal thread? I wasn't straight up disobeying him or disrespecting him i forgot he warned me i use the word quite frequently it was an accident what more can i say?

myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

deadpool is an admin
a normal admin
hes supposed to follow all the rules of an admin
isnt he?
why does he get
to do something
that no admin has ever said against
and is not against the rules

Skittle wrote
myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

deadpool is an admin
a normal admin
hes supposed to follow all the rules of an admin
isnt he?
why does he get
to do something
that no admin has ever said against
and is not against the rules

Racism is against the rules

Patrick J Fox wrote
Skittle wrote
myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

deadpool is an admin
a normal admin
hes supposed to follow all the rules of an admin
isnt he?
why does he get
to do something
that no admin has ever said against
and is not against the rules

Racism is against the rules

What is racist about nigga, i grew up using it i call everybody nigga, nobody has said shit to me about it the only person who has said something is deadpool and now hes calling me a punk ass kid and shit, i don't say it to be cool or badass i say it cause thats what i am just a dirty ass nigga.

P.S. it does NOT make you sound cool or badass it makes you sound like a punk ass kid who need a beating and ive seen kids get beat. Deadpool 2017

thanks for calling me a punk ass kid and saying im gonna get the shit beat out of me.

Shingles wrote
Patrick J Fox wrote
Skittle wrote
myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

deadpool is an admin
a normal admin
hes supposed to follow all the rules of an admin
isnt he?
why does he get
to do something
that no admin has ever said against
and is not against the rules

Racism is against the rules

What is racist about nigga, i grew up using it i call everybody nigga, nobody has said shit to me about it the only person who has said something is deadpool and now hes calling me a punk ass kid and shit, i don't say it to be cool or badass i say it cause thats what i am just a dirty ass nigga.

P.S. it does NOT make you sound cool or badass it makes you sound like a punk ass kid who need a beating and ive seen kids get beat. Deadpool 2017

thanks for calling me a punk ass kid and saying im gonna get the shit beat out of me.

Get proof, report.

I would vouch as I've heard deadpool say this to others, but my opinion is bias.

Shingles wrote
Patrick J Fox wrote
Skittle wrote
myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

deadpool is an admin
a normal admin
hes supposed to follow all the rules of an admin
isnt he?
why does he get
to do something
that no admin has ever said against
and is not against the rules

Racism is against the rules

What is racist about nigga, i grew up using it i call everybody nigga, nobody has said shit to me about it the only person who has said something is deadpool and now hes calling me a punk ass kid and shit, i don't say it to be cool or badass i say it cause thats what i am just a dirty ass nigga.

P.S. it does NOT make you sound cool or badass it makes you sound like a punk ass kid who need a beating and ive seen kids get beat. Deadpool 2017

thanks for calling me a punk ass kid and saying im gonna get the shit beat out of me.

The key word is SOUND LIKE i did not call you a punk ass kid

Deadpool wrote
Shingles wrote
Patrick J Fox wrote
Skittle wrote
myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

deadpool is an admin
a normal admin
hes supposed to follow all the rules of an admin
isnt he?
why does he get
to do something
that no admin has ever said against
and is not against the rules

Racism is against the rules

What is racist about nigga, i grew up using it i call everybody nigga, nobody has said shit to me about it the only person who has said something is deadpool and now hes calling me a punk ass kid and shit, i don't say it to be cool or badass i say it cause thats what i am just a dirty ass nigga.

P.S. it does NOT make you sound cool or badass it makes you sound like a punk ass kid who need a beating and ive seen kids get beat. Deadpool 2017

thanks for calling me a punk ass kid and saying im gonna get the shit beat out of me.

The key word is SOUND LIKE i did not call you a punk ass kid

you SOUND LIKE a dumb cunt, you SOUND like a dumbass little bitch.

Does that make it any better than me calling you those things?

This has gone a little too far all i'm trying to say is i think a perm gag is too harsh of a punishment for saying that word as i see people say it all the time and nothing happens, and simply i just use the word so casually. ALL i ask is to be un gagged or be given a chance to get ungagged. Thank you and love you! 😉 :kreygasm:

Skittle wrote
Deadpool wrote
Shingles wrote
Patrick J Fox wrote
Skittle wrote
myback wrote

you're all missing the point . . . this has nothing todo with the disrespect (racism is disrespect) rule

let me make it very simple:

deadpool is an admin
you are supposed to listen to admins
deadpool tell you to not do something -> you listen to admin and not do that something
no listen to admin -> punishment

the best thing you can do is apologize directly to deadpool and simply listen to admins next time

deadpool is an admin
a normal admin
hes supposed to follow all the rules of an admin
isnt he?
why does he get
to do something
that no admin has ever said against
and is not against the rules

Racism is against the rules

What is racist about nigga, i grew up using it i call everybody nigga, nobody has said shit to me about it the only person who has said something is deadpool and now hes calling me a punk ass kid and shit, i don't say it to be cool or badass i say it cause thats what i am just a dirty ass nigga.

P.S. it does NOT make you sound cool or badass it makes you sound like a punk ass kid who need a beating and ive seen kids get beat. Deadpool 2017

thanks for calling me a punk ass kid and saying im gonna get the shit beat out of me.

The key word is SOUND LIKE i did not call you a punk ass kid

you SOUND LIKE a dumb cunt, you SOUND like a dumbass little bitch.

Does that make it any better than me calling you those things?

its the application skittle chill the fuck out