In-Game name:popoispoop
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:10088535
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? :yes i can use it at any times and always have it on
Days of the week you are available to play: any day summer for me starts on June 2nd so i will be on everyday for about 5 hours minimum
Current Hours In-Game on our server:15 right now saying that i started playing 2 days ago that's pretty dang active :p
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00) i live in U.S.A Florida
Rules you view as most important:Rdming Because It Ruins The Fun For New Players And Normal Players and just makes players leave and we don't want that im going to be honest and say i do it but that's only because im board and have nothing to be but getting cop will have me busting rdmers and not being an rdmer because lets be honest if you have a gun what are you gonna do with it? stare at it ? not me lol
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?because i can play anytime of the day and im really nice also greatkids is my friend and i wanted to be a cob with him and watch the servers at night and it gets boring because we already have a 250k house and all we can really do atm is stock pile and make money so it would be fun to be a cop and help out the server with my buddy great
Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15 [Under Review]
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
This guy changed a lot in 1 day, Spamming the chat with this link so he can get rep.
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
Watch for the spelling errors but other than that. Your RP is good from what I seen. I want to see you more, and interacting with others.
Other than that..........+REP Put him in coach.
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
dem brackets
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
lol i didnt know if i was suppose to delete them or not xD
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
+Rep He Helps others
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
-rep not very active
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
ok so i have 20 hours now and i first joined this server on Saturday your saying thats not active?
and im pretty sure im alot more active then you
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
you afked nearly all of it
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
getting salty in here
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
This guy I learned at first to be a kind respectful new player (thanks to trooper) and knew his place among the community. I believe that Aang can save the world.
... Wrong saying. Popo is up for it!
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application 5/24/15
Matt wroteyou afked nearly all of it
AFK helps server growth. Its better than being offline.
Re: Popoispoop's Cop Application [Under Review]
Under Review, if any other admins or anyone else have any inputs about this applicant, please post it.
Inactive for a while. Denied.
Inactive for a while. Denied.