[member=1157]Shingles[/member] BruH, you've only played WestField and you're saying the "same old 5 maps" as if you're a veteran giving a "professional opinion. Stop right where you are.
Thinking that EVERYONE would love it is a complete and utter lie, if not an ignorant statement. A new map would be nice, but you're ignoring all the optimization and testing that would need to go into any new map other than previous ones that have been used by the server.
I used to be like this:
Shingles wrote
PLEASE DO THIS, I THINK EVERYONE WOULD LOVE THIS MAP MORE THAN CITY45. All we need is a new map to spice things up a bit. The same old 5 maps are just so fucking boring.. Please make this the next map 😃
But it's caused more problems than good. I've been here for more than a year now. Believe me, it's easier for [member=1]myback[/member] or [member=3]Mewn[/member] to reply to a well written reply than a bandwagon rant.