I sold my drugs had over 800 crime went to deposit my money i accidentally clikc wthdraw all instead of deposit all and Hydr8 just decided to kill me I grinded all day for this mney please dont let the server just eat it and throw it away. i really need my money back please somebody get me this shit back. [RP] You have lost $424620
[RP] You have lost $424620
[RP] You have lost $424620
[RP] You have lost $424620
I lost my money when money was disabled
It is not our fault that you withdrew all your money then died with it.
request denied
grind more for it and youll have it back in no time
as deadpool already said
Currently, we do not provide players with their money back, it's your fault not ours. You are asking us to spawn in more money Into the market or take it from another player who received your cash. Be more careful next time.