In-game name: Singles (above average penis)

Server you were banned on: RolePlay

Who banned you:Gnome

Reason for ban: calling him a scammer

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:153704526

Reason you think you should be unbanned: i explained to him how i was jokeing and simply memeing Blank and he still proceeded with a 48 hour gag and mute

Evidence to support claim (if any): I thought he could take a joke considering this is the same admin who had "am n♥♥♥♥r" for his group tag, this isn't the first time i have joked like this with him idk maybe this casino thing is too new to be joked around with but i would really appreciate it if i could get unmuted. Thanks love you.

You've directly called me a scammer multiple times despite my position in this community and still continue to mock me after multiple warnings, your 48 hour gag/mute will remain, I've muted you multiple times for minor infractions. We will not tolerate any sort of disrespect/hate towards the admins based off your buddies opinions/ your own opinion. You clearly had a rude intention and I muted you for 48 hours for it. Deal with it.

So earlier today i called you a scammer you took it as a joke and had no problem with it but now all of a sudden it its forbidden i think you should just nut up and take a joke i wasn't being disrespectful or atleast not trying to, but if you feel like i hurt your feelings that bad by calling you a mean name then, sorry.

Shingles wrote

So earlier today i called you a scammer you took it as a joke and had no problem with it but now all of a sudden it its forbidden i think you should just nut up and take a joke i wasn't being disrespectful or atleast not trying to, but if you feel like i hurt your feelings that bad by calling you a mean name then, sorry.

New crackdown buddy, not gonna tolerate admin disrespect nor player disrespect, you're in the wrong community if you think otherwise.

well beter im sorry for being a meanie pants hope you can forgive my bins bord gnome forgive thou nibba of all wrong doing. BUT WE MUST STAY WOKE AS THOTS ARE APPROACHING. even tho dem nibbas are eating my spaghetti i shall nut up and STAY WOKE!! aka i love you i just kinda got heated ill take the gag fuck it

Lmfao free Shingles, Gnome can't take a joke obviously not fit for admin.

RealBlank wrote

Lmfao free Shingles, Gnome can't take a joke obviously not fit for admin.

Anything can be a joke. You can say the most hatred shit about a person and then say it's a joke at the end. Do you think they care if you say it's a joke? No. Of course not. A player was clearly disrespecting an admin and a member of the staff, there isn't any tolerance for rule breaking.
You can joke around with friends, personally I wouldn't go around disrespecting a member of staff in a community and trying to get away with it with 1 word "joke".

It's not about "chilling out" or "calming down" pretty sure Gnome is able to control his emotions. No one is mad here, you just assume so to make it look worst on the person who's actually doing their job and controlling the situation on the server.
The admins on this server are already very very lenient, trust me.

Also saying an admin is not fit for their position with the kind of position you are in? Okay buddy, Let Myback be the judge of that...

If it was a joke, you should have put joking Gnome ur a dirty scammer, but some people can also take jokes very seriously. IDK the situation because I wasn't there, but a putting something in your message to make seem like a joke might have been better. Jokes can still be offensive(microaggressions)

crazyninja wrote

If it was a joke, you should have put joking Gnome ur a dirty scammer, but some people can also take jokes very seriously. IDK the situation because I wasn't there, but a putting something in your message to make seem like a joke might have been better. Jokes can still be offensive(microaggressions)

right before he gagged me i was gonna say jut kdding love you. but then he gagged me i got a little heated told him it was a joke and he was being a smart ass about it saying shit like oh well we are getting rid of all the cancer enjoy the 24 hour gag just then i got more heated said fuck you and then resulted in 48 hour gag the moral of the story is dont get salty but then again dont instigate/stir the pot when you know the other prson is just gonna get even more mad.

But now we know how this is gonna end it is gonna be an Admin vs Civilian situation, and we all know Civs have now power so there is no point in fighting the gag nothing is gonna happen so fuck it.

Whats done is done
anyways doing an appeal was pointless your mute and gag is for 2 days and the next admin meeting is further away